Mr. Ben’s Online Practice Club

Mr. Ben will be online on Zoom every night Monday through Thursday from 8pm-9pm to facilitate consistent practicing. Within the hour, students will create a practice plan (executed with guidance) and will conclude with a daily reflection. This will surely take the load off of you (the parent) and the student's progress will skyrocket.

What you’ll get

  • Up to 16 hours of supervised practice per month. Join as many sessions as you’d like per month.

  • Zoom links sent nightly.

  • Mr. Ben will provide tailored feedback in the form of practice reports to parents. Mr. Ben will also coordinate with private instructors for detailed, personalized plans.

  • Students will work from a Fried Music Practice Plan Journal every session.

  • Students will be part of a learning community with other young musicians.

  • Exclusive masterclasses and performance classes available for Practice Club members.

Mr. Ben's Online Practice Club

Mr. Ben's Online Practice Club

Subscriptions will be charged the first Monday of the month.

Gain access for free as part of the 2-week trial period from Monday, February 24 to Thursday, March 6 by emailing

Mr. Ben’s Online Practice Club


Mr. Ben will be online on Zoom every night Monday through Thursday from 8pm-9pm to facilitate consistent practicing. Within the hour, students will create a practice plan and conclude with a daily reflection. This is aimed to take the load off of you (the parent) and the student’s progress will skyrocket.